Et hurtigt lille look of the day, Jeg har selv taget
billederne, hvilket bestemt ikke var nemt, men jeg ville gerne have flere
indlæg af denne type på bloggen, og så må man jo gøre det selv, når ens mand er
på arbejde. Og så ville jeg gerne vise jer denne fine top som jeg for kort tid
siden, købte i H&M, syntes den er så fin.
A quick look of the day, I took the pictures myself, which wasn’t the easiest
thing, but I really want more, look of the day posts on the blog, but my
husband was at work, so I had to do it myself. I also wanted to show you this
top, I recently bought it at H&M, and I think that it's so cool.
Rigtig fint outfit! Fin blog du har :-)
SvarSletKig gerne forbi;
Tak :)